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Our blog at NanoText contains the very best thoughts and analysis from the world of content marketing and copywriting

SEO Tricks

How to Optimize Your WordPress Site for SEO

If you’re running a WordPress site, there are a few things you can do to make sure it’s optimize for search ...

web designing

WordPress themes and security tips that you need to keep in mind

The online world is pretty fascinating and exciting. There are numerous ways to make the internet work smoothly and effi...

SEO Expert

Why Give Importance to SEO for Brand-Building?

By now everyone is well acquainted with the term SEO which we know stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a metho...


Why Drupal 8 Should Be Used In Higher Education

Drupal is certainly one of the most popular and widely used open-source Content Management Systems. It has been designed...

SEO Expert

What is SEM & Why You Must Invest in SEM for Your Business Growth

It only makes perfect sense that the Internet is increasingly becoming the #1 way for businesses to advertise and reach ...


Understanding SEO Voice Search Optimization, Its Benefits & Best Practices

Today the way users are searching the Internet for some information seems to be dramatically changing. With the rapid ad...


Top Uses of Dropshipping WordPress Themes and Types for Websites

Website development with the advent of numerous tools, themes, and technologies has taken the world by storm. These days...


Top Reasons to Create Your Business Website with WordPress Page Builder

These days, you have numerous page-building tools that made website development so fun. Yes, these tools are powerful to...

SEO Tricks

Top 9 SEO Tips for 2021 to Increase Your Organic Traffic

Over the past few years, the search engine optimization(SEO) world has changed a lot. However, some specific fundamental...

SEO Tricks

Top 6 Essential Tips for an Effective PPC Marketing Strategy

If you are planning to start a new business or preparing for a growth phase. Then PPC marketing can be a nuclear weapon ...