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Our blog at NanoText contains the very best thoughts and analysis from the world of content marketing and copywriting

SEO Expert

SEM and SEO statistics validating the power of search

Every brand with an online presence wants customers to find them online! Search is the only option here. Since the time ...

SEO News

The way SEO and search marketing has changed over the years

It’s 2019 and almost two decades since a few of the past search engines got launched! In 2018, Google had its 20th...

SEO Expert

The US Search Awards 2019 – Brennen Bliss is the young SEO professional of the year

Since SEO is what most online brands and websites need to pay heed. There are specific awards and recognitions people wh...


Are we all anticipating a November 2019 update from Google?

Google has always taken the SEO world and brands by surprise with its updates! And over the past few days, there’s been ...

SEO Expert

The three mistakes SEO marketers are making in keyword research

One of the crucial tasks of an SEO marketer is keyword research. A study that got conducted a couple of years back revea...

SEO Company SEO News

Health checkup for your business: Invest in SEO analysis to score against your eCommerce competitors

Small businesses comprise almost 99.8% of all New York-based businesses. Sadly, only about 50% of these businesses survi...

SEO Expert web designing

Explore Expert Tips for Boosting SEO for Your Travel Website

With the phenomenal growth in the use and popularity of Internet-savvy devices and smartphones, more and more consumers ...

SEO Company web designing

How to use Rich Result Test Tools to Check Googlebot Desktop vs Mobile?

Google has recently announced that they have upgraded the rich result test tools. With this update, the developers and s...

SEO Company

How can you benefit by choosing the right SEO Company?

If you are new to the field of digital marketing, you probably want to know more about SEO services. Thankfully, you hav...

SEO Company SEO Expert

The Benefits Of A Local SEO Strategy

When it comes to local business marketing, there are a lot of options companies can explore to advertise their business....